Could Virtual Reality Provide The Next Healthcare Breakthrough?

Could Virtual Reality Provide The Next Healthcare Breakthrough? As the world’s population continues to grow larger and older, finding ways to provide quality healthcare for all is becoming more difficult. Since many people experience health challenges as they age, healthcare professionals are working tirelessly to find better ways to treat aging patients. While most healthcare reporting […]
San Francisco’s Facial Recognition Ban Sets Tone For Government Technology Use

San Francisco’s Facial Recognition Ban Sets Tone For Government Technology Use A few weeks ago, San Francisco became the first city in the United States to ban the use of facial recognition technology by police, city agencies, and other government organizations. This ban, which may feel like a common-sense action in the eyes of privacy-conscious […]
5G- Enabling New Applications

5G- Enabling New Applications New use cases continue to be identified for 5G, the next generation of mobile network, from connected automobiles to AI, smart manufacturing, and immersive AR and VR technologies. In fact, many believe that immersive technologies won’t reach their full potential until 5G is rolled out. Both VR and AR require more […]
How Smartphones are Changing the Advertising World

How Smartphones are Changing the Advertising World The World Advertising Research Center (WARC) recently released a report stating that almost 75 percent of internet users will access the web with their smartphones by 2025. They estimate that 3.7 billion people will use only their smartphones to access the internet, up from the 2 billion who currently only […]
Smart Homes: Looking to the Future

Smart Homes: Looking to the Future Whirlpool Corp. conducted a global survey on what the future smart home will look like. They contacted over 2,000 homeowners and renters around the world to see what they need and want in a smart home. “The responses we received to this survey were abundantly clear: Consumers said they […]
What You Need to Know About OWASP

What You Need to Know About OWASP The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an international community that helps organizations conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain open applications you can trust. They provide free tools, documents, forums, and chapters to help improve application security. What you need to know about OWASP is they just […]